Directions to the Westgate Studios:
40 Westgate Parkway, Asheville, NC 28806
*Click here for the Google Maps link to this address, but first, read below:
Your GPS will take you up to the front of the building, but you're going to want to drive around to the BACK to park & enter.
1. Drive around to the back on the Hotel side (i.e., back around to the left, if you're facing the main Westgate building).
2. As soon as you've driven around to the back of the hotel, you will see a small private parking lot flush with the back of the building, and a blue awning over our entrance that says "WESTGATE OFFICES." You can park in the small lot right there, or if it's full, park across the street in the parking that we share with the hotel.
3. If you arrive early, make yourself at home in our waiting room (with free wifi) and your instructor will come and find you there!
Directions to the South Asheville Studios:
830 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, NC 28803
*Click here for the Google Maps link to this address, but first, read below:
Your GPS will take you to our building (right up on Hendersonville Rd., immediately to the right of the Ingles).
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are located in the same building as a prominent Piano STORE ("Piano Emporium"), but we are not connected to them physically. They are on the 1st floor, and we are on the 2nd floor.
1. Walk past the piano store, and go up the set of outside stairs.
2. As soon as you get to the 2nd floor, you will see our door at the top of the stairs.
3. If you arrive early, just have a seat in our waiting area, and your instructor will come and find you there!
Directions to the Mills River Studios:
4023 Haywood Rd., Mills River, NC 28759
*Click here for the Google Maps link to this address, but first, read below:
Your GPS should take you right to us, but here are a few points of reference:
*We are on the same side of the road as the Mills River Town Center Park, about a 1/2-mile away from it.
*We are yards away from the intersection with Haywood and Schoolhouse Rd.
*There is a Piano Lab sign in the front lawn. It is a stand-alone two-story brick house (built in the 1940s and converted in commercial space decades ago).
*We are right next to a giant greenhouse structure.